
this is the sunrise in my born-city,,Lansing City in Michigan State in USA....Yes,i was born here,,but when i was 6months old my fams went back to Indonesia...So,,i took this picture when i visited this town and i think the sunrise was so beautiful....wasn't it?

Minggu, 05 April 2009

the result is


hmm,,i'm not accepted in UI.

gw sempet berharap di tekkim nya,,karena prediksi passing grade gw di atas batas aman,,tp tetap ga terima..
poor me,,haha..

gw juga baru aja ikut UTUL UGM

gw lagi nunggu tanggal 8 april,pengumuman itb,dan gw takut banget.takut gagal lagi,.

semoga ITB emang jalan gw..

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