
this is the sunrise in my born-city,,Lansing City in Michigan State in USA....Yes,i was born here,,but when i was 6months old my fams went back to Indonesia...So,,i took this picture when i visited this town and i think the sunrise was so beautiful....wasn't it?

Jumat, 27 November 2009

selamat idul adha

selamat idul adha teman2,,,pasti lagi berpesta makan kambing deh,,
sayang gw ga suka sama kambing karena baunya yg masih kecium walaupun d apain juga bikin gw enek.

saya pulang ke jakarta lho kemarin malam,dan itu macetnya adalah gila2-an,,
rekor banget,dr itb ke pangkalan jati 5jam,,
gara2 euforia orang2 bandung dan kota entah berantah yang mau ke cianjur atau prwokerto menyambut idul adha (gw ga tau c mau kemana yg pasti dr pastur sm tol padalarang ramenya najubileeeee) dan terusannya yg mau ke jakarta malah lancar habis.

gimana liburan gw dirumah?
very bad,,
Orang tua tiba2 ke surabaya,abng gw paling bentar lagi pergi ngefutsal dan begajulan sampai malam. Dan gw akan menyampah dirumah. Ngapain jg ya gw pulang?
ga ada yang ngarepin kepulangan gw dirumah juga. Cuma tutor fisika yg tmenin gw kykna.

Perbedaan trbesar yg gw rasakan sejak gw tinggal d bandung : jadi Labil,galau dan suram. Iya,hidup saya suram sekali sekarang.

Selasa, 03 November 2009

today is my birthday

quick update

Today is my birthday and i got some surprises from my kostmates and classmates.
And that really make me happy after seeing my "midtest physics scores" mood disaster today..

first,they threw me down to Intel(Indonesia Tenggelam) Pool which is in the center of campus and was very dirty (umm,, that made my mood decreased so much) but they made small surprise birthday party in the night when i was in bad mood and gave me special gift from jakarta. But,after all,,i am happy :)

love you friends ,,really love you (heart)

thanks grace,emil,anggita,rea,viony,gina,denisa,ache,jimmy,kinon,ridho,and other classmates and especially cieto :)

and for my SHS friend in jakarta sissy,beta,fienda,lana,dita,vrina,erwin,cindy,karin,dheeva,avy,imam,imee,Solo ada fadityo,,Rusia ada hans dan rutta who gave me their photos with birthday expression..
muah muah